Planet Smash | Ao Haukuru
15 minutes
Skill focus
Group size
Small & Large
Sets of wickets are positioned inside a planet (large circle) of cones. Smashies are split into teams of batters, bowlers and fielders, and spread around the planet for a fast-moving game. Balls will be flying, Smashies will be running and plenty of actio
Setup, Equipment & Instructions
- Start with a circle of cones (planet) in the middle of the game arena, with four sets of wickets positioned around the ‘planet’.
- Divide Smashies into three even groups of four (four batters, four bowlers and four fielders).
- Bowlers underarm throw or bowl the ball, trying to make sure it only bounces once before getting to the batter.
- Batters hit the ball and run back and forth (from the bowlers cone to the wickets) to score points, they keep running until the ball is returned into the centre planet.
- Once the ball is bowled the bowler runs to the centre to be the wicketkeeper and helps with the return of the balls.
- Fielders must grab one ball (which is hit by any batter) and return the ball to the planet.
- Smashies swap roles after each ball and continue to rotate.
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15 minutes
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Skill focus
Group size
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15 minutes
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Tic-Tac-Toe Challenge | Korewhiti
Skill focus
Group size
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15 minutes
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